Welcome to MajuTech Pte Ltd

MajuTech is a technology company specializing in IoT hardware and software engineering, particularly in AI cameras, software customization, web design and related consultancy services. We are a team of experienced professionals with a passion for technology and a dedication to delivering innovative solutions that solve complex business challenges.

Welcome to MajuTech Pte Ltd

MajuTech is a technology company specializing in IoT hardware and software engineering, particularly in AI cameras, software customization, web design and related consultancy services. We are a team of experienced professionals with a passion for technology and a dedication to delivering innovative solutions that solve complex business challenges.

MajuTech Pte Ltd

About Us

At MajuTech, we believe that technology can transform businesses and improve people’s lives. We are committed to helping our clients leverage the power of technology to drive growth, improve efficiency, and enhance safety.

Our team allows us to provide end-to-end solutions that address our clients’ unique needs. Whether it’s improving operational efficiency, enhancing customer engagement, or reducing risk, we have the expertise to deliver the right solution for our clients.

We understand that every business is unique, and we take a customized approach to every project we undertake. We work closely with our clients to understand their specific needs and challenges, and develop solutions that are tailored to their business goals.

Customized Software

At MajuTech, we offer customized software solutions that are designed to meet the specific needs of your business. Our team has a deep understanding of various industries, and we work closely with clients to develop software solutions that improve their operations, productivity, and overall efficiency.

Our approach to software development is collaborative and agile. We involve clients in every step of the process, from requirement gathering to testing and deployment. This approach ensures that our solutions are tailored to meet the unique needs of each client, and they align with their business goals.


Our Services

MajuFleet Management System

Majutech Pte Ltd’s Vehicle Monitoring Camera System is a comprehensive solution designed to provide real-time monitoring and tracking of vehicles. This system is equipped with state-of-the-art cameras and advanced software that enables fleet managers to remotely monitor their vehicles’ movements and drivers’ behavior with advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms that enable it to detect and alert driver to potential safety threats in real-time.

360-Degree Camera System

Majutech Pte Ltd’s 360-Degree Camera System for vehicles is a state-of-the-art solution that provides drivers with a comprehensive view of their surroundings. This innovative system is designed to enhance driver safety and reduce the risk of accidents by providing drivers with a complete view of the area around their vehicle.

AI CCTV Camera System

Majutech Pte Ltd’s AI CCTV Camera System is an advanced solution designed to enhance security and safety in various settings. This innovative system is equipped with advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms that enable it to detect and respond to potential security threats in real-time.
(sensor/face detection)

AI CCTV Cameras

AI CCTV cameras with motion sensor and face detection solution is a powerful technology that enhances the security of homes, businesses, and public spaces.

Thermographic Camera System

Thermographic cameras are an innovative technology that allows you to quickly and accurately measure the body temperature of individuals.

Property Premise Security System

A property premise security system is an essential component of any modern security strategy.
MajuTech Pte Ltd

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